What is My Business Number BC

As a business owner in British Columbia, it`s important to understand the concept of a Business Number (BN) and how it applies to your operations. Your BN is a unique nine-digit identifier assigned by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to your business, making it easier for you to interact with various government programs and services.

Importance of a Business Number

Having a Business Number is crucial for fulfilling your tax obligations, accessing government programs and benefits, and conducting business activities in BC. It`s the key to interacting with the CRA and other government agencies, such as the Canada Border Services Agency, Employment and Social Development Canada, and Statistics Canada.

How to Obtain a Business Number

When you register your business with the CRA, you will automatically be assigned a BN along with other program accounts, such as GST/HST, payroll deductions, and corporate income tax. The process of obtaining a BN is straightforward, and you can do it online, by phone, by mail, or through an authorized representative.

Business Number in British Columbia

As of 2020, there are over 500,000 registered businesses in British Columbia, contributing to the province`s vibrant economy. Whether you operate a small retail store in Vancouver or a tech startup in Victoria, having a Business Number is a fundamental part of doing business in BC.

Year Number Registered Businesses
2018 480,000
2019 495,000
2020 510,000

Case Study: The Impact of a Business Number

Let`s take a look at a real-life example of how a Business Number has helped a BC-based company. Company ABC, a family-owned construction business in Kelowna, was able to streamline its tax reporting and receive timely government grants by using its BN. The company`s experience demonstrates the practical benefits of having a Business Number in BC.

Obtaining a Business Number for your BC-based business is a foundational step in ensuring compliance with tax regulations, accessing government services, and establishing credibility with your stakeholders. By embracing the concept of a Business Number and understanding its significance, you can set your business up for success in the dynamic marketplace of British Columbia.


Frequently Asked Legal Questions About What Is My Business Number (BN)

Question Answer
1. What is a Business Number (BN) and why do I need one? Ah, the mysterious Business Number (BN)! It`s like the DNA of your business – a unique identifier assigned by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). You need it for tax purposes, to open a business bank account, and to interact with other government programs and services. In essence, it`s your business`s personal identity number in the eyes of the CRA.
2. How do I find out what my Business Number is? Fret not, dear entrepreneur! Your BN is like a hidden treasure waiting to be found. You can locate it on any correspondence you`ve received from the CRA, on your notice of assessment, or by calling the CRA directly. It`s like a scavenger hunt, but with less running around.
3. Can I have more than one Business Number for my business? Having multiple BNs for one business is like trying to juggle flaming torches – a dangerous game. Each legal entity should only have one BN. If you need multiple BNs, it might be time to consult a tax professional to unravel the complexities.
4. I`ve lost my Business Number. What I do? Oh, the agony of losing something as precious as your BN! But fear not, for the CRA can help you retrieve it. Simply contact them and provide the necessary information to verify your identity, and they`ll guide you through the process of reclaiming your beloved BN.
5. Can I change my Business Number? Changing your BN is like getting a new identity – not something to be taken lightly. It`s only possible in certain circumstances, such as a change in your business structure. Consult the CRA to explore the options and implications of changing your BN.
6. Do I need to display my Business Number on my business documents? Think of your BN as your business`s badge of honor – it should be proudly displayed on your invoices, receipts, and other business documents. This helps the CRA and other entities easily identify and track your business activities.
7. What if my Business Number is inactive or suspended? An inactive or suspended BN is like a dormant volcano – it needs to be awakened. Contact the CRA to understand the reasons for the status change and what steps are needed to reactivate or reinstate your BN. It`s a chance to breathe new life into your business`s identity.
8. Can I use my Business Number for business activities outside of Canada? Ah, the global ambitions of an entrepreneur! Your BN is like a loyal companion on your international adventures. While it`s primarily for Canadian business activities, you can use it for foreign business activities if you register for an import-export account with the CRA. Bon voyage!
9. What are the consequences of not having a Business Number? Operating without a BN is like sailing without a compass – you might veer off course. The CRA requires businesses to have a BN, and failure to comply can result in penalties, limitations on business activities, and potential legal consequences. It`s best to embrace the BN and all its benefits.
10. Can I transfer my Business Number to another business entity? Transferring your BN is like passing the torch to a worthy successor – a noble act. It`s possible in certain situations, such as a corporate reorganization or sale of a business. Seek guidance from the CRA to ensure a smooth and legal transfer of your cherished BN.


Understanding Your Business Number in British Columbia: A Legal Contract

Business numbers play a crucial role in the operation of businesses in British Columbia. This legal contract aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the business number and its implications for businesses operating in the province.


This agreement (« Agreement ») is entered into as of the effective date of the business registration by and between the business owner (« Owner ») and the British Columbia Business Registry (« BCBR »).

Whereas, Owner has submitted application business number BCBR wishes understand legal implications responsibilities associated obtaining Business Number in British Columbia;

Whereas, the BCBR is responsible for the administration and regulation of business numbers in British Columbia;

Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows:

  1. Issuance Business Number: BCBR shall issue business number Owner upon approval business registration application. The business number shall serve as a unique identifier for the Owner`s business within the province of British Columbia.
  2. Legal Obligations: Owner agrees comply legal obligations associated business number, including but limited filing tax returns, remittance taxes, maintenance accurate business records required law.
  3. Confidentiality: Owner acknowledges business number confidential information agrees safeguard its confidentiality prevent unauthorized access use.
  4. Termination Agreement: This Agreement may terminated either party upon written notice other party. Upon termination, the Owner shall cease using the business number and return any related documents or materials to the BCBR.
  5. Governing Law: This Agreement shall governed construed accordance laws province British Columbia.
  6. Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes entire understanding agreement parties concerning subject matter hereof supersedes all prior contemporaneous agreements understandings, whether oral written.

In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

Owner`s Signature

Print Name Owner

BCBR Representative Signature